Excellence Recognised in RQIA Report

As Ireland’s leading facility for laser eye treatment and eye healthcare provision, Cathedral Eye Clinic strive to focus on best practice adherence and high-quality service delivery. This was recognised in an annual report recently published by the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority, which identified standards of excellence across every category. Established to monitor and inspect…

Oculoplastic Surgery Blog Image - Cathedral Eye Clinic

What is Oculoplastic Surgery?

Oculoplastic Surgery Also known as ophthalmic plastic surgery, oculoplastic surgery is a high-specialised field of medicine which concerns the plastic and reconstructive surgery of the orbit (bony socket), the tear ducts and the eyelids, as well as cosmetic surgery of the brows and eyelids. As a surgical subspecialty of ophthalmology, oculoplastic surgery entails the medical…

What is Lens Replacement Surgery?

Lens Replacement Surgery Lens replacement surgery comes in a variety of forms. However, all forms of this treatment can reduce your dependency on prescription glasses or corrective contact lenses, whilst guaranteeing the highest levels of safety. Lens replacement surgery is a particularly popular treatment path and can treat myopia (also known as ‘short-sightedness’), hyperopia (also…