Novitskaya, ES., Dean, SJ., Moore, JE., Moore, T, Nagendran, S and Sharma, A (2009) Effects of some ophthalmic medications on pupil size: a literature review. Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology – Journal Canadien D Ophthalmologie, 44 (2). pp. 193-197. PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025
Novitskaya ES, McGilligan VE, Moore J, Sharma A, Dean S, Moore T. Difficulties imaging Herpes Simplex Keratitis with FITC labelled anti- HSV-1 antibodies in an ex-vivo model. Cornea 2009;28:421-425 PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025
Goodall EA, Moore J, Moore T. The estimation of approximate sample size requirements necessary for clinical and epidemiological studies in vision sciences. Eye. 2009 Jul;23(7):1589-97. List Item PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025
Sharma A, Moore JE. Autologous fibrin glue for pterygium surgery with conjunctival autograft. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2009 Jul 18. 32(5); 209 PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025
Graham, JE., McGilligan, V, Berrar, D, Leccisotti, A, Moore, JE., Bron, AJ. and Moore, T (2009) Attitudes towards Diagnostic Tests and Therapies for Dry Eye Disease. Ophthalmic Research, 43 (1). pp. 11-17. PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025
McAlinden C, Moore JE. Comparison of higher order aberrations after LASIK and LASEK for myopia. J Refract Surg. 2010 Jan;26(1):45-51. PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025
Reynolds A, Moore JE, Naroo SA, Moore CB, Shah S. Excimer laser surface ablation – a review. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2010 Mar;38(2):168-82 PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025
McAlinden C, Moore JE. Higher order aberrations using the NIDEK OPD-Scan and AMO WaveScan. Journal of Refractive Surgery. 2010 Aug 1;26(8):605-8. PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025
de Wit D, Athanasiadis I, Sharma A, Moore J. Sutureless and glue-free conjunctival autograft in pterygium surgery: a case series. Eye. 2010 Sep;24(9):1474-7. PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025
McAlinden C, Pesudovs K, Moore JE. The development of an instrument to measure quality of vision; the Quality of Vision (QoV) questionnaire. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2010 Nov;51(11):5537-45 PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025