Irvine AD, Moore JE, Coleman C, Swensson O, Morgan S, McCarthy J, Smith FJD, Black GCM & McLean WHI. A novel mutation in KRT12 associated with Meesmann’s epithelial corneal dystrophy. Br. J Ophthalmol. 2002 86(7): 729-32. PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025
McMullen TB, Frizzell N, Moore JE, Poulaki V, Campbell IL, Afshari NA, Kaji Y, Stitt AW, Archer DB, Adamis AP. A modulatory role for advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) in retinal microvascular leukostasis. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2002 Dec 1;43(13):1348-. PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025
McLean WHI, Irvine AD, Hamill KJ, Whittock NV, Coleman-Campbell CM, Mellerio JE, Ashton GS, Dopping-Hepenstal PJ, Eady RA, Jamil T, Phillips RJ, Shabbir SG, Haroon TS, Khurshid K, Moore JE, Page AB, Darling J, Atherton DJ, Van Steensel MA, Munro CS, Smith FJ. & McGrath JA. An unusual N-terminal deletion of the laminin {alpha}3a isoform leads to the chronic granulation tissue disorder laryngo-onycho-cutaneous syndrome. Hum Mol Genet. 2004 Feb 1;13(3):365. PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025
Moore CBT, Moore JE, Kaji Y, Frizzell N, Usui T, Poulaki V, Campbell IL, Stitt AW, Gardiner TA, Archer DB. & Adamis AP. The role of advanced glycation end products in retinal microvascular leukostasis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2003 Oct; 44(10):4457-64. PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025
Moore J, Sharma A. Endoscopic visualisation to aid posterior corneal and capsulorrhexis surgery:-a video guide. Electronic British Journal of Ophthalmology. 2003:0. PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025
Moore JE, Herath G. & Sharma A. Endoscopic visualisation to aid deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty. Eye. 2004 Feb;18(2):188-91. PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025
Usui T. Ishida S. Yamashiro K. Kaji Y. Poulaki V. Moore J. Moore CBT. Amano S. Horikawa Y. Dartt D. Golding M. Shima DT. & Adamis AP. VEGF164 (165) as the pathological isoform: differential leukocyte and endothelial responses through VEGFR1 and VEGFR2. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2004 Feb; 45 (2):368-74. PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025
V Kumar, J Moore, W Ilahi, S Mantry, S Shah, P McDonnell. Endothelial Cell Density and Contrast Sensitivity in Patientsafter Deep Lamellar Keratoplasty. Investigative Ophtalmology and Visual Science. 2004. 45(5): 2906 PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025
Moore JE, Herath GD, Sharma A. Continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis with use of an endoscope. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery. 2004 May 1;30(5):960-3. PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025
Graham JE, Moore J, Xu J, Best RM, Page AB, Atkinson S, Small DM, Dooley JS, Lowry C, Dartt D, Downes CS. Analysis of bacterial flora in dry eye. The Ocular Surface. 2005;3:568. PublicationsBy yan.taylor@cathedraleye.com07/02/2025