Customised TransPRK

TransPRK is a cutting-edge one-step, incision-free procedure, which offers a ‘no-touch’ approach to laser eye correction. Using the one laser to re-shape the cornea precisely, this is the only surface treatment where the eye doesn’t require contact with a surgical instrument.

Trans PRK can correct short-sightedness (myopia), long-sightedness (hyperopia), reading vision (presbyopia), and astigmatism. It can reduce or eliminate your need for glasses or contacts.

Unlike conventional methods like LASIK; TransPRK doesn’t require creating a corneal flap. Instead, a laser is utilised to reshape the inner layers of the cornea, to correct your vision prescription. This is often combined with a laser to remove the surface layer of the cornea, called the epithelium. This dual use of laser to remove the epithelium followed by resurfacing is called trans-PRK and is often described as the non-touch technique for laser vision correction. Following the procedure, clear contact lenses are placed to reduce discomfort during the healing stage and provide protection for the eye, which are typically removed 4-7 days post-surgery.

During the TransPRK procedure, the epithelium (outer layer of the cornea) is gently removed using the SCHWIND AMARIS laser. The underlying corneal tissue is then reshaped with the laser to correct your vision prescription. The entire process is touch-free and typically takes only a few minutes per eye.

Following surgery your eyes will feel uncomfortable and / or gritty, and your vision may be blurry for the first few days as the epithelium heals. You will be prescribed medicated eye drops to promote healing and prevent infection.

Most patients experience a gradual improvement in their vision over the first week following surgery. Full recovery of your vision can take several weeks to months.

Improved Vision- TransPRK laser surgery aims to correct refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia, leading to clearer vision without the need for glasses or contact lenses.


It’s estimated that around 120,000 people in the UK opt for Laser Eye procedures each year​

Benefits of Customised TransPRK Treatment

LASEK – TransPRK offers patients a number of benefits:

Unlike traditional laser eye surgeries, no-touch Trans-PRK doesn’t involve creating a surgical flap on the cornea. Instead, the laser directly treats the corneal surface, eliminating the need for any physical contact with the eye during the procedure.

A significant advantage of no-touch Trans-PRK is its reduced risk of complications compared to procedures involving corneal flap creation. The absence of a flap minimizes the chances of flap-related issues, such as displacement or flap-related infections.

Some patients undergoing conventional laser surgery may experience nighttime visual disturbances like halos or glare. No-touch Trans-PRK is associated with a reduced risk of these disturbances, providing better visual outcomes, especially in low-light conditions.

Opting for the no-touch Trans-PRK technique gives patients increased confidence and peace of mind about the long-term safety and stability of their vision correction. The reduced risks associated with this approach contribute to a greater sense of reassurance.

Book a FREE consultation

Find out if you’re a suitable candidate for Lasek laser eye surgery by booking a free consultation at Cathedral Eye Clinic.

Simply fill out the form below and a member of our team will be delighted to assist you.